[Loops] A&A paper on abundances and temperatures of AR cores

Dr G. Del-Zanna gd232 at cam.ac.uk
Thu May 8 07:04:20 MDT 2014

Dear all,

Abundance measurements in Active Region Cores

Interestingly, a re-analysis of the good old SMM/FCS observations of 
quiescent active region cores, using up-to-date atomic data, confirms 
earlier results based on Hinode/EIS (Del Zanna 2013, A&A, 555, A47).

The Fe/Ne and Fe/O ratios are remarkably similar for different ARs, with
an FIP bias of about 3, the same as was found in terms of Fe/Ar and Fe/S
for a few ARs from Hinode EIS (Del Zanna 2013,A&A, 558, A73). 
These abundances are different from previous results by other authors, 
but apply only to the hot (about 3 MK) AR core loops.

In terms of emission above 3 MK, the SMM/FCS results are also in agreement
with previous results from Hinode EIS, with a sudden drop in the emission
measure for higher temperatures, and very little Fe XVIII emission.

The MAGIXS instrument would provide an excellent opportunity to combine
simultaneous EUV and X-ray spectroscopy of ARs, and to study further
these diagnostics.

The  A&A paper is available at
and a preprint at

Giulio and Helen

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