[Loops] A&A paper on Hinode XRT and EIS

Dr G. Del-Zanna gd232 at cam.ac.uk
Thu May 8 07:06:15 MDT 2014

Dear all,

Simultaneous observations with Hinode EIS and XRT.
O'Dwyer, Del Zanna and Mason

We have carried out a detailed comparison between simultaneous
Hinode EIS and XRT observations for a solar flare, active region and
quiet Sun region. Good agreement is found using the recent new
radiometric calibration for EIS (Del Zanna, 2013,A&A, 555,A47). We discuss
the various contributions to the XRT bands from different spectral
lines and the continuum. In addition, we assess the importance of
the elemental abundances when deriving DEMs from the XRT bands.

The A&A paper is available at
and a preprint at

Giulio & Helen

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