[Loops] Solicitation of proposed locations for Loops 7

Petrus Martens martens at physics.montana.edu
Tue Jul 29 06:29:29 MDT 2014

Hello Amy,

    Just a thought;  as you may know I am moving to Atlanta.  In order
to put Atlanta on the map as a solar physics center -- which it will
become -- hosting this workshop might be a good start.  We do satisfy
all your guidelines since GSU is right in the heart of the city, and
the university has the required facilities.  Key issue is timing in
that the heat of summer better be avoided -- you know, living in

     Advantages:  live music, great food, good hotels within walking
distance of campus, great arts center, easy to fly there, good public 
transport.  I can arrange the practical aspects with the help of a
few grad students.

     Let me know what you think.



On 7/28/14 2:41 PM, WINEBARGER, AMY R. (MSFC-ZP13) wrote:
> Dear friends,
> The steering committee is soliciting proposals to host Loops 7.  If you
> are interested in hosting the workshop, please email me directly at
> amy.winebarger at nasa.gov.  (Do not reply to this email, as it will go to
> the entire loops mailing list).
> The steering committee has developed a set of guidelines for the
> workshop, including some additional guidelines for the meeting location
> and organization.  Please see the attached.
> Best wishes,
> Amy
> --
> Dr. Amy R. Winebarger
> NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
> ZP 13
> Huntsville, AL 35812
> Voice : 256-961-7509
> Fax : 256-961-7216
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