[Loops] Solicitation of proposed locations for Loops 7

Petrus Martens martens at physics.montana.edu
Tue Jul 29 06:35:12 MDT 2014

Sorry, this was intended for Amy alone, not the whole list.
Have done that before....


On 7/29/14 6:29 AM, Petrus Martens wrote:
> Hello Amy,
>     Just a thought;  as you may know I am moving to Atlanta.  In order
> to put Atlanta on the map as a solar physics center -- which it will
> become -- hosting this workshop might be a good start.  We do satisfy
> all your guidelines since GSU is right in the heart of the city, and
> the university has the required facilities.  Key issue is timing in
> that the heat of summer better be avoided -- you know, living in
> Huntsville.
>      Advantages:  live music, great food, good hotels within walking
> distance of campus, great arts center, easy to fly there, good public
> transport.  I can arrange the practical aspects with the help of a
> few grad students.
>      Let me know what you think.
>      Cheers,
>      Piet
> On 7/28/14 2:41 PM, WINEBARGER, AMY R. (MSFC-ZP13) wrote:
>> Dear friends,
>> The steering committee is soliciting proposals to host Loops 7.  If you
>> are interested in hosting the workshop, please email me directly at
>> amy.winebarger at nasa.gov.  (Do not reply to this email, as it will go to
>> the entire loops mailing list).
>> The steering committee has developed a set of guidelines for the
>> workshop, including some additional guidelines for the meeting location
>> and organization.  Please see the attached.
>> Best wishes,
>> Amy
>> --
>> Dr. Amy R. Winebarger
>> NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
>> ZP 13
>> Huntsville, AL 35812
>> Voice : 256-961-7509
>> Fax : 256-961-7216
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