[Loops] Updated Living Review on coronal loops

Fabio Reale reale at astropa.unipa.it
Wed Jul 30 03:17:27 MDT 2014

Dear friends,
    after almost 4 years, here is an update of my Living Review on coronal loops:
It is a major revision, and it has a new citation:
Fabio Reale, "Coronal Loops: Observations and Modeling of Confined Plasma", Living Rev. Solar Phys. 11,  (2014),  4. 
The entire text has been revised and all sections updated, with 6 new or updated figures, and about 150 new references. 
Among the main new issues, I mention new results from SDO and Hi-C, Section 3.5 that now includes specific subsections on waves observations and chromospheric flows, a specific section on large-scale modeling (4.5), and a substantial revision of the conclusions (Section 6).

I hope you find it useful.

Any feedbacks and/or comments are welcome for future updates.

Thank you for your attention

Best regards

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